
Using artificial intelligence to fight cybercrime

Blog The world is going digital, are you on board…

A few months ago, I received what appeared to be a random electronically generated mailshot from the Inland Revenue. Given what we do for a living I am naturally suspicious of most communications proposing to be from these guys, but this one was different. The mailshot was to prepare me for next year’s payroll year […]

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Blog Next level stuff and you need to be on board…

Next level stuff and you need to be on board… So, month 8 in the covid-19 household and it feels a bit like Groundhog Day if I am honest. Home working is most definitely here to stay, leaving us all wondering what the best way is to keep remote employees in the loop of all […]

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Featured Using artificial intelligence to fight cybercrime

Artificial intelligence is providing us with advances in all areas, but how does it relate to cybercrime? Well, let’s have a chat about it. Here is one of those classic “it makes sense but doesn’t work moments”. If I wanted to design the best home security system, then sensibly, I should go to the Police […]

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