
Recovering from a broken device with Microsoft 365

Featured Recovering from a broken device with Microsoft 365

So, this week started with a failed laptop. And even though the laptop was only 8 weeks old, these things can, and do, happen. The laptop in question, was used by our Sales Director, Paul Kiveal. We are used to managing this type of situation, after all, as a technology company, we have earned a […]

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Featured Shadow IT – 5 steps to take back control of your data

Shadow IT is nothing new. It’s been a thing for as long as the personal computer has been around. COVID-19 has, however, created the perfect petri dish in which Shadow IT has been able to grow at an incredible rate. But what is Shadow IT? And, more importantly, why should you care? What is Shadow […]

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Featured Parents evening with Microsoft Teams

Like all kids up and down the country, mine have been getting used to distance learning, in this instance using Microsoft Teams. But that doesn’t mean they’re avoiding the sometimes dreaded parents evening. But parents evening with Microsoft Teams is different. It’s better for everyone involved, or so I think. This is the next generation […]

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