
Cloud Services

We're here to support you on your cloud journey

Adopt next generation technology with cloud services. Our solutions enable your business to maximise your IT budget whilst giving you the scalability and performance you need now and in the future, all tailored to you with built in security.

Private Cloud

Your very own bespoke private cloud solution built and managed to suit your hosting needs, giving you the highest levels of security and control.

Hybrid Cloud

Take the next step to the cloud with a hybrid solution that works with your on-premise infrastructure, giving you high performance with a network tailored to you.

Public Cloud

Experience endless possibilities with complete scalability and security in Azure with the support of our Azure certified specialists.

Why choose Cloud Services?


Moving to the cloud allows for a high level of elasticity. You can flex your resources and capacity to the demands of your business and scale to suit growth. This allows you to fluctuate services to suit your organisational plans and goals, removing any limitations from in-house networks and servers, providing you with a platform for now and into the future.


With your data hosted in the cloud you’ve got added protection. Our cloud solutions are covered with multi-layered cyber security, ensuring that your data is protected in the best way possible. And, there’s no longer any need for manual back ups. This is done automatically, so should the worst happen, we can have you back up and running within an hour.

Cost Effective

There’ no longer a need for hefty upfront hardware and software purchases, plus, you’ll get better value for money by preventing excess and unused storage with a solution that is suited to your needs. And, when it’s time to increase capacity it’s done in a few clicks so there’s no expensive engineering or upgrade charges.


Our cloud specialists design your solutions to suit you, having a bespoke cloud environment built with next-generation technology means you get optimum and guaranteed performance. Plus, our cloud solutions are continuously evolving to ensure our clients get the best of cloud computing every time.

With our support

We support you from start to finish. Working with you to understand your organisation to find the right cloud services to suit your business needs. From planning to delivery and implementation, we’ll be there every step of the way ensuring a smooth transition that works for your business with minimal disruption. Plus, we’ll support you from completion and into the future, ensuring you get the most out of your cloud solution with the help of our certified experts.

Private Cloud

  • Highly Bespoke – Cloud services tailored to your exact needs
  • Expert Advice – Our specialists will support you from start to finish with planning, build and execution
  • Flexible – Easily flex your solution to suit your data requirements
  • Control – Effortlessly monitor and manage your cloud solution from a self-service portal
  • Security – Next-generation cyber threat protection and disaster recovery included

Hybrid Cloud

  • Bespoke – Combine infrastructures to create a hybrid solution that powers your business
  • Expert Advice – Our certified experts have the skills and knowledge to find cloud services for your business needs
  • Performance – We’ll  create a scalable high performance solution to meet the demands of your organisation
  • Ongoing Support – We’ll continuously assess your infrastructure to ensure you’re the most out of your cloud solution
  • Security – You’ll receive layered security so that we can keep your business safe from cyber threats

Public Cloud

  • Security – 24/7 threat detection and monitoring with built in business continuity solutions
  • Certified Specialist – We’re a recognised Microsoft Gold Partner with qualified Azure specialists
  • Fully Managed – Our engineers are here to support you at every step of your cloud journey
  • Training – We’ll empower your staff by offering training to ensure you get the most out of your cloud network
  • Ongoing Advancements – With Azure you can be confident that you’re receiving the best that cloud has to offer

Our Customer...

As a large care provider, One Fylde needed a way to safely manage their sensitive data whilst upgrading their IT infrastructure so that it was no longer preventing staff from doing their job or slowing them down.  Through the use of Azure, we were able to ensure One Fylde had the correct storage solution for their needs, enabling them to grow as needed whilst remaining safe and secure at a cost-effective rate. Not only this but adopting a cloud-based IT infrastructure enabled One Fylde to take advantage of the services it comes with. From Microsoft 365 to Power Automate and much more, allowing their staff to be more productive. IT no longer hinders their work but now enhances it.

Interested in our cloud services?

Fill in the form below and a member of our team will be in touch as soon as possible.