
Existing Client


“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress,
and working together is success.”
Henry Ford

If you’re an existing customer, then we sincerely hope that you already value us as a strategic partner.  We also suspect that, if you’re visiting this part of our website, you’re probably looking for answers to one or more of the following questions:

“What happened to the old Webporch ?”

Absolutely nothing.  Just like our clients; we are constantly evolving as technology evolves.  Our new messaging reflects the fact that almost every organisation today is adopting cloud technologies to a greater or lesser extent.  As always, we work with our clients to help them to make the most of today’s technology innovations.

“Have you changed technologies or partners?”

Yes, and no.  Microsoft has always sat at the core of our solutions, and we, like you, have seen their technologies evolve over the years from Windows (and earlier) to their current range of cloud offerings.  Our new look reflects this evolution.

We have also introduced an exciting new set of technologies to augment our core Microsoft solutions.  These primarily focus on the latest evolution of our cyber security, business continuity and private cloud offerings.  You can find out more about these on the links below.

“Have you outgrown us?”

There will never be a day when we view a client of any size to be too small.  Whatever your size; our solutions are constantly evolving to ensure that you and your team can leverage the latest innovations to boost productivity, reduce costs and to improve security.

“Will we lose our relationship as you grow?”

Not if we can help it.  We are constantly growing our team to keep up with our success.  The most important thing we teach all new team members is the importance of keeping to our core values, especially the principles of Partnership and Customer First.

Our Journey Together Evolves

As well as our look, we’ve also simplified the way we present our products and services.  Our Cloud Journey Solutions are now arranged into three core areas of expertise:

Productivity & Engagement

Solutions that empower and enable your users by allowing them to collaborate, communicate and work flexibly.

Platforms & Places

Solutions to address the ever changing on-premises and cloud infrastructure landscape; allowing you to maximise scalability, flexibility, cost-effectiveness.

Security & Continuity

Solutions that provide protection from the latest (and next) generation of threats for your endpoints, on-premises and hybrid cloud infrastructure components.

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